Kate J. Freeman

Masculinities Scholar


My name is Kate, and I am currently a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at Case Western Reserve University.

My research explores the intersections of masculinities and medical sociology using critical and feminist theories. I’m particularly interested in how one’s masculinity impacts illness experience and how illness experiences impacts masculine identity.

In my work, I typically use qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups, as well as social media content analysis. I identify as an interdiscplinary scholar and my work has been highlighted across fields including sociology, student affairs and higher education, psychology, media studies, and gender studies.

I currently serve as a Senior Research Assistant at the National Initiative on Mixed-Income Communities, Graduate Assistant at the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, and Newsletter Editor for the ASA Sex and Gender Section.
I live in Cleveland, Ohio with my partner and two cats. I love escape rooms and autumn weather, and I hate chickpeas.

Kate J. Freeman

Doctoral Student


Case Western Reserve University
